Today we're announcing a new feature to help track user activation in your app - Goals! Goals help you and your team understand how effective your product tours are at driving users toward key activities.

A goal is defined by the action you want users to take after completing a tour. By creating a goal and linking it to a tour, you receive access to advanced analytics that show exactly how effective the tour is at driving users toward its associated goal. The following is a list of the analytics that become available when a goal is linked to a tour:

  • Completed Goal - The total # of users who completed the goal.

  • Viewed Tour Then Completed Goal - The # of users who completed the goal after first viewing the tour.

  • Completed Tour Then Completed Goal - The # of users who completed the goal after first completing the tour.

  • Average Time From Tour To Goal - The average time users take to complete the goal after viewing the tour.


With these analytics, you can begin to understand whether or not a tour is helping drive users toward a goal or key activity that is important to activation.

To get started with goals, you’ll first need to determine which type of code free goal you want to create. Both Click Action and Page Reached goals can be set up in just a few clicks and with zero code. 

  • Click Action Goals -  These are goals that are completed when a user clicks a designated website element. Website elements can be anything from a navigation item or button to a DIV or large container of many elements.

  • Page Reached Goals - These are goals that are completed when a user reaches a designated URL on your website. The designated URL can either be a static URL or a dynamic URL that uses a wildcard '*' in place of IDs   

For any use case that you cannot achieve with code free goals, Lou also offers custom event goal tracking. 

  • Custom Event Goals - These are goals that are completed when a user triggers a designated event that's tracked by your website. These goals can be used to achieve any advanced use case that is not possible with click action or page reached goals.

Check out the entire overview on setting up goals here or build your own by creating a free Lou account